I just bought the CS Lewis book, Mere Christianity and Problem of Pain.. I've been wanting this book for a long time!! ^^ I haven't finished reading it, so I guess more pictures will be coming next!
Oh ya, I want to share it with all of you, I think I've been closer to God lately.. when I pray, I feel I can touch the presence of God, and it makes me so calm and relaxed.. peace here in my heart.. ^^
You know, people used to say that they feel excited or a sense of euphoria when they feel the presence of GOD, but I don't. In my heart I feel like it's so calming, and making me want to sit still in His lap..Just like Mary (Martha's sister in the BIble), hehe.. ^^
How about you? What do you feel when you're praying?? ^^
What’s in my Friday Favorites? A lot!
Hallo everyone! Since it’s Friday and I’m thinking of a new post title for
today, I came up with this Friday Favorites! So every Friday I’ll share
with y...
11 years ago
I am glad to visit here again..by the way I follow this blog
Hello willyo! ^^
I've followed your blog, too! ^^
drop by again ya.. =)
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